She didn`t remember how she`d died... She really didn`t. In fact, she didn`t remember anything, except the fact that she was dead. She knew she was lying on the ground, waiting for something to happen. She was waiting perhaps, to go to heaven. Heaven? What was Heaven again? Was it the place where she`d lived all of her life? No... that was home... What`d happened to home? Why wasn`t she home? She wanted to go home now. Why couldn`t she move? Why wasn`t she in this Heaven place? What was Heaven? Did she want to go to Heaven? Something inside of her said yes, she did. She wanted to go to Heaven. How do you get to Heaven? Was it hard?
She knew not her name, nor her age, nor how she died. She knew not was she looked like, what she sounded like, nor how she acted. All she knew was that she was dead, and she wasn`t supposed to be. She was just lying there, a bump on the forest floor. Maybe she should get up... move around... Yes, she would do that.
Struggling to her feet, the girl found that she wasn`t cold, nor was she warm. She was inbetween, a mixture or both, a bliss of unknowing. This scared her. This scared her indeed. Shouldn`t she be cold? It was winter, yet there was no snow. At least, it was winter before. Before... when was before? Months ago, she guessed. It looked Summer now, though. Odd, it usually took at least 6 months for the weather to change so much. But that still didn`t explain it... she wasn`t hot either, but it looked hot. In fact, it looked blistering. Looked like it was in the nineties.
((That`s it for now. Kinda tired. Finish it tomorrow. Tis the start of a book about a girl who knows she`s dead, but knows nothing else. She wants to remember, so she goes on a quest to do so.))
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